

Sometimes when we have a quiet afternoon at the MHS I’ll sit and read through our historical newspaper collection. 这是一个历史悠久的爱好, and one that turns up a lot of interesting things—like what some of our founding fathers were doing during their non-founding hours. I hope you find this selection of clippings as amusing and interesting as I do!

保罗·里维尔, silversmith and midnight rider, was also 保罗·里维尔, dentist. 虽然看起来主要是在侧面, as he directed potential patients to meet with him in his Silversmith’s Shop.

一份剪报上写着“假牙”. 保罗·里维尔, Takes this Method of returning his most sincere Thanks to the Gentlemen and Ladies who have employed him in the care of their Teeth, 他现在要通知他们和所有其他人, 那些不幸因意外或其他原因掉牙的人呢, 他还在继续做牙医的生意, and flatters himself that from the Experience he has had these Two Years, (in which Time he has fixt some Hundreds of Teeth_ that he can fix them as well as an Surgeon-Dentist who ever came from London, he fixes them in such a Manner that they are not only an Ornament but of real Use in Speaking and Eating: He cleanses the Teeth and will wait on any Gentleman or Lady at their Lodgings, 你可以到他的店里去找他谈话. 克拉克在北端, w在这里 the Gold and Silversmith’s Business is carried on in all its Branches."

And 保罗·里维尔, engraver (though this business of his is more widely remembered.)

剪报上写着:“刚刚出版, 由约西亚·弗拉格出售, 和保罗·里维尔, 在第五大街, 在波士顿的北端, 最好的诗篇曲调合集, 在两个, 三个, 四部分, from the most celebrated Authors; fitted to a Measures, 并且得到了波士顿最好的大师们的认可, 新英格兰. To which are added, Some Hymns and Anthems; the greater Part of them never before Printed in America. 由乔赛亚·弗拉格创作. 保罗·里维尔刻字."

You had more options for tooth care in Boston than just 保罗·里维尔: You could visit Daniel Scott at his medicine store at the (very memorable) Sign of the Leopard, w在这里 among other services “all Persons who have the Scurvy in their Teeth, og体育平台声音威胁着他们的迁移, 可以在不伤牙釉质的情况下清洗牙齿吗, 或者至少在一定程度上损害它们, 并可能提供他的牙髓修复器, 哪一种是好的粉剂, 最适合保存牙齿和牙龈, 防止它们疼痛。”

Newspaper advertisement for “Daniel Scott At his Medicine Store the Sign of the Leopard, 南端, Boston” The advertisement features a long list of services offered and features a large image of a leopard in the upper left corner.

约翰·乔伊和他的同事一起销售“新鲜毒品” & 药品、“有前途的”乡村医生、药剂师等. 可以提供极大的好处吗.” I’m interested in the implied distinction of practice between “country” and “city.”

约翰·乔伊在报纸上的一则广告,他“告知公众”, 他已经搬到隔壁的商店去了. Gilbert Deblois’s in Cornhill, Boston, W在这里 he has received a large and fresh Supply of Druggs & Medicines, which he will sell Wholesale or Retail, on the best Terms for Cash or Credit. 乡村医生、药剂师等. 可以提供很大的好处吗. 外科手术的器械,杂货和染料的东西,可能会便宜." The Ad also features a large column w/ a lion stirring a kettle on top.

约翰·汉考克, 波士顿最富有的商人家族之一的继承人, 1764年他的叔叔托马斯·汉考克去世后,他继承了他的生意. In 1765 it seems he was still balancing accounts and “desires those Persons who are still indebted to the Estate of the late Hon. Thomas Hancock, Eqs: deceased, to be speedy in paying their respective Ballances, to prevent Trouble.”

A Newspaper Advertisement which reads “To be sold by 约翰·汉考克, at his store No. 4, 在法尼尔大厅的东端, 英国和印度商品总目, 还有纽卡斯尔煤和爱尔兰黄油, 现金便宜. Said Hancock desires those Persons who are still indebted to the Estate of the late Hon. Thomas Hancock, Esq: deceased, to be speedy in paying their respective balances, to prevent trouble. N.B. 在吕底亚,上校. 司各特,从伦敦寄来的包裹如下. 1、一个箱子,没有. 一个小包裹. The Owner, by applying to 约翰·汉考克 and saying [illegible], may have his goods."

Even one of Boston’s most prominent merchants was not immune to the backlash against imported British goods. But in 1771 he found it palatable to once again advertise imported goods, while assuring the public that he kept “the most strict Compliance with the Non-Importation Agreement during its Continuance.”

报纸广告上写着“约翰·汉考克, 告知公众, That after the most strict Compliance with the Non-Importation Agreement during its Continuance, 他已经被丽迪雅号接待了, 斯科特船长, 货物的分类, 他会批发吗, 在他店里以最低的价格出售, No. 4, 法尼尔大厅市场的东端, 在那里会经常出勤, 顾客的恩情也得到了应有的感谢."

约翰·汉考克 continued to balance his identity of merchant with that of revolutionary. Advertisements for his Oration given on the anniversary of what we now know as the Boston Massacre can be found in the same paper w在这里 he advertised his goods for sale.

一则报纸广告,上面写着“下周三”, 在十一时,议员的演说. 约翰·汉考克, Esq; will be Published, And Sold by Edes & 吉尔在皇后街."

约翰·汉考克 was not the only one to face social pressure during the non-importation agreement. 女性(或“女士们”)经常被直接吸引, 尤其是不喝英国茶. I still get a kick out of the line “However coolly some of you may now esteem your Husbands” in the 21st 世纪.

报纸上一篇文章的剪报,上面写着“女士们, 不管你们中的一些人现在对自己的丈夫有多冷淡, it might be worth your while to consider whether by your abandoning that accursed tea, 你将维护你的国家和子孙后代的和平与秩序, 或者让他们中的两万五千人流血牺牲, 捍卫他们无可置疑的与生俱来的权利.”

I also greatly enjoy the advertisements for less-remembered fields of business. Ladies (and Gentlemen) may have sent their children to join Peter Curtis at his new Dancing School. And Gentlemen who wished to learn “The Noble Science of DEFENCE commonly called the BACK-SWORD” may join Donald McAlpine in the Day-Time or Evening.

两个报纸广告, one from Peter Curtis who “proposes to open a Dancing-School…W在这里 he will teach Dancing in a most polite Manner. Those who send their Children may depend that Care will be taken of their Education, 良好的秩序将得到遵守. 在第二个广告中, Donald McAlpine teaches the “The Noble Science of Defence…W在这里 Gentlemen may be instructed at any Hour. 他建议在晚上授课, for the Benefit of those whose Business will not permit them to attend in the Day-Time.”
The Boston-Gazette, and Country Journal, 6 May 1771 (includes supplement), 《og体育官网》,1771年2月11日

Thanks for joining me on this quick little jaunt through our Harbottle Dorr newspaper collection—t在这里’s way more w在这里 that came from! 你可以自己浏览这些收藏 在这里.


Rodwin,尼娜. 2019. 假牙,尸体和私处,保罗·里维尔的医学生涯. 里维尔府宪报: 136: 1-4.
